L’expertise InS reconnue à travers de nombreux brevets et publications
De nombreux travaux de recherche menés en collaborations avec les industriels et des organismes public, ont abouti à des publications et des brevets :
- M. Busquet (InS), M. Renouf, Y. Berthier, J. Sicre, “Space grease lubrication modeling: A discrete element approach”, Tribology International 111, 159-166, 2017.
- M. Busquet (InS), D. Leveque, M. Renouf, Y. Berthier, N. Bouscharain, J. Sicre, “Tribological investigations for space grease reformulation”, accepté au “World Tribology Congress 2017”, Beijing, China, September 17 – 22, 2017.
- M. Busquet (InS), D. Leveque, M. Renouf, Y. Berthier, N. Bouscharain, J. Sicre, “Space grease tribological behavior for reformulation : numerical and experimental investigations: accepté à l’”European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium”, University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, 20th-22nd September 2017.
- Houcine Ben Adelounis (InS), Eric Gard (InS), Lubricated rolling bearing for blade roots : The invention relates to a lubricated rolling bearing for blade roots including a coating made of a chemical compound of lamellar structure.
- Kunio Goto, Mikael Petit (InS) , Threaded joint for oil well pipe and composition for light-curable film covering : This invention provides a threaded connection for oil country tubular goods that can suppress an increase in torque when making up a pin and a box in a cold climate
InS c’est une expertise pluri-disciplinaire au service d’une grande variabilité de domaines d’application